Spring, summer, and fall admits: Check back here in April for more information about orientation.

Online placement exams are an important tool used by your academic advisor to help you navigate the different courses and subject areas at U-M. Review this page for important information on online placement exams and how and when you need to take them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exams should I take?

Review the First-year Placement Exam Requirements Chart for information about which online placement exams are required by your academic unit.

Who sets placement exam requirements?

Placement exam requirements are set by academic units, not the Office of New Student Programs (ONSP). ONSP cannot grant you an exception to take a placement. While you may already have transfer or AP credit in a subject, you should still take the online placement exam, unless otherwise noted.

How are placement exam results used?

Online placement exams are a tool used by your academic advisor to help guide course registration. Even if you might not plan to continue in a certain subject, the placement is helpful if you change your mind. Some placements are in place due to academic degree requirements by your school/college.

How do I prepare?
  • Have your uniqname and password readily available.
  • Be sure your computer is fully charged (and with enough battery if you are away from an electrical outlet).
  • Arrange to take all online tests in a quiet area, free from distractions (TVs, phones, etc.).
  • Allow yourself ample time, as indicated in each section.

Placement exams are an opportunity to find the right fit of classes for you at U-M. You do not need to study in advance.

When should I take the exam(s)?

The sooner the better! Generally, it is recommended to complete placement exams at least two weeks prior to your academic advising date to guarantee results. Some tests have a shorter turnaround time for results, which are noted below. Failure to take online placement exams prior to your academic advising date may result in delays in registering for classes in that subject area.

Please note that not all subjects are available to take online, in advance. In those circumstances, you will work with the department to arrange for placement prior to the term you plan on enrolling in the course. This will not impact your ability to register for other classes in other subjects.

Where can I see my results?

All test results will be given to your academic advisor and reviewed with you during your academic advising date. Results cannot be provided ahead of time by ONSP or the individual departments.

Placement Exam Accommodations

Accommodation Information

Students who need to arrange for extended testing time/accommodations for online placement exams should follow the instructions below for each department.

Accommodations made for placement tests may not reflect how those same accommodations will be made during the school year. It is important that students with disabilities contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible to discuss your school year needs.

How and When To Take Online Placement Exams

Review the information below for information and instructions on how to take each of the online placement exams.

Math Placement Exam

Do I have to take the Math Placement Exam?

Review the First-year Placement Exam Requirements Chart for information about which placement exams are required by your academic unit. If required, the Math Placement Exam should be taken regardless of AP or transfer credit. Your advisor will use the placement result and any prior experience in math coursework to advise on next coursework.

When is the Math Placement Exam available and when should I take it?

The Math Placement is available for spring from April 7 to April 30 and will reopen from May 9 to Sept. 1. Complete the Math Placement Exam at least three business days prior to your academic advising date.

How long is the Math Placement Exam?

The standard test time limit is 50 minutes unless an extended time request is made.

Complete a Math Placement Extended Time Request Form to request extended time.

How do I take the Math Placement?

  1. Go to the Math Placement Exam website and read the instructions.
  2. Select "Instr" on the left-hand side.
  3. Read the information and then select "Take the Placement Test" at the bottom of the page. Note that there is also a Sample Test that we recommend you take first to be sure that you are familiar with the test interface.
  4. Enter your uniqname in all lowercase letters and without the "@umich.edu." You will need to have your uniqname and password to access the test.
  5. Using a private window on your browser can help if you receive an error message when trying to log in to the test.


Email [email protected] with questions about the Math Placement Exam. For technical issues, please attach a screenshot of the error message you receive from the test in order to best assist you. ONSP may contact ITS and/or the Math Department as needed to help answer your questions.

Chemistry Placement Exam

Do I have to take the Chemistry Placement Exam?

Review the First-year Placement Exam Requirements Chart for information about which placement exams are required by your academic unit.

  • If you have already received your AP Chemistry exam results, and achieved a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam, then you do not need to complete this exam. If you have not yet received your AP score, please take the placement.

When is the Chemistry Placement Exam available and when should I take it?

The Chemistry Placement Exam is available now. Take the placement at least 10 business days prior to your advising date or prior to your registration for the next semester.

How long is the Chemistry Placement Exam?

Standard test time is 60 minutes unless an extended time request is made. Complete a Chemistry Placement Extended Time Request form to request extended time.

How do I take the Chemistry Placement Exam?

The Chemistry Placement is available through Canvas.

  1. Self-enroll in the Chemistry Placement Exam
  2. Click on “Self-Enroll”
  3. Select "Go to Course"
  4. Read the instructions on the page and begin the test when you are ready.

You do not have to take the placement at the time you self-enroll in the course. After you self-enroll, it will be available from your Canvas Dashboard to take when you are ready to do so.

Do you need a U-M Letter Stating General Chemistry Proficiency to use with your future applications to MD, PA, DDS, DVM, DO, or other post-graduate professional programs?  

If you plan to attend a post-graduate MD, PA, DDS, etc. program, have been recommended placement into Chemistry 210/211 after completing the Introductory Chemistry Self-Diagnostic Exam, and do not have a score of  4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam, you may wish to request a letter to submit with your applications that certifies your proficiency in General Chemistry. This will exempt you from taking college-level General Chemistry coursework that is required for admission to most MD, PA, DDS, etc. programs. If you take Chem 125/6 and Chem 130, or plan to take these courses in the future, you do not need this letter and do not need to take the in-person certification exam.

How can I request a letter?

  • LSA Honors Students: Request your letter from Honors Advising
  • Engineering Students: Request your letter from biomedical engineering and pre-health advisor, Rachel Patterson ([email protected])
  • Kinesiology Students: Request your letter from Kinesiology Pre-Health Advisors
  • All other students: Request your letter through this online form.


For questions about the Chemistry Placement Exam, please email [email protected]. Please include your uniqname or UMID number in your inquiries.


UWrite is an online self-placement tool that guides you to reflect on your writing experiences and learning preferences and helps you select First-year Writing Requirement courses that fit your interests and needs.

Do I have to complete UWrite?  

Review the First-year Placement Exam Requirements Chart for information about which placement exams are required by your academic unit.

How and when can I access UWrite?

UWrite is available online. You should complete UWrite two weeks before your virtual advising date during orientation.

How long will it take to complete UWrite?

It will take you about 15 minutes to complete the self-placement module, though you may want to spend more time exploring your course options thoroughly.

What happens after I complete UWrite?

  1. You will receive an email summary of your responses to UWrite, which will include the courses that interested you.
  2. Academic advisors will have access to the same summary and use it to discuss your choices with you at virtual advising sessions during orientation.


Email [email protected] for further information and specific questions.

Language Placement Exams

Please note that placements are used for placement only and some departments may require a results validation process if you are placing out of a degree requirement.

Do I have to take a language placement exam?

Review the First-year Placement Exam Requirements Chart for information about which online placement exams are required by your academic unit.

  • AP credit is applied differently based on the language department and your academic unit’s AP credit policies. You may still need to take a placement regardless of previous credit. Please visit the website of the language department for more information.
  • If you have no prior experience in a language you would like to study, you may register for the first course in the language sequence without taking a language placement. Otherwise, you should take a language placement test if required by your academic unit and/or you plan to continue in that language. 

LSA Students: A student whose first language is not English and who attended a high school where English was not the language of instruction does not need to take a language placement.

When are they available and when should I take one?

Availability varies based on the language.

Some tests are online and some include virtual interviews. Take your placement test, including any virtual interviews, at least two weeks prior to your registered academic advising date so that your results can be processed and made available.

You may still be eligible to participate in advising if you cannot complete a language placement two weeks in advance; however, you may not be able to enroll in a language class until your results are in the system. Even if you are unsure that you wish to continue in that language, the placement result will give you the necessary permissions to enroll.

How do I take the language placements?

The process to take the language placements varies based on the language.

Not all languages will be available to take online in advance as some may be offered as a proctored exam in a later term. You can find more information about other languages from their websites.

How long are the language placements?

Length and process of the placement varies based on the language. Some tests are online and some include virtual interviews.

For extended time requests and test accommodations, view the contact information listed below.


Please contact the department of the language directly for questions.

American Sign Language Placement Exam

You may register for "Introduction to Deaf Culture" (RCASL 100) if you are interested in studying American Sign Language. Contact Paula Berwanger at [email protected] with any questions. 

Armenian Placement Exam

Students are encouraged to take a placement exam as early as possible in their studies to determine the level of study or if the language requirement can be met. This is extremely important to avoid delays in graduation due to complications with placement.

Contact Dr. Michael Pifer at [email protected] if you are interested in studying Armenian or placing into an Armenian course beyond the first semester. Please review the Middle East Studies website for more information.

Arabic Placement Exam

Available dates: Upcoming exam dates

The Arabic placement test includes online reading and writing portions completed on Zoom, then followed up with an online interview. If you have questions about the placement exam or about the Arabic Program, please contact [email protected].


To begin studying Bengali, you may register for First Year Bengali I (ASIANLAN 185). To schedule a Bengali placement exam and interview, please email [email protected] with the subject: Bengali Placement Exam.

Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian

If you are interested in studying Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian, please fill out this form. For more information, contact [email protected].


You may register for "Introduction to Catalan Language and Culture" (CATALAN 291) if you are interested in studying Catalan and have a background with Spanish.

Contact [email protected] with questions about studying Catalan.

Chinese Placement Exam

Available Dates: Dates pending for winter 2025

Registration is required and available at the Chinese Placement Exam website. Please also review the website for detailed information about the exam. If possible, please register for a placement that occurs at least one week prior to your scheduled Virtual Academic Advising session so that your placement results will be available to your academic advisor when you meet.

Contact Kening Li, director of the Chinese Language Program, at [email protected] for questions or accommodations for the Chinese Placement Exam.


If you are interested in studying Czech, please fill out this form. For more information, email [email protected].


Please email [email protected] if you are interested in taking a Dutch placement exam and visit the Germanic Languages and Literatures website for more information.

Filipino Placement Exam

Available Dates: Flexible, by appointment only

The Filipino Placement Exam consists of an online placement test in Canvas, followed by scheduling a placement interview with Irene Gonzaga ([email protected]). Please visit the Asian Languages and Cultures’ website and click on the tab for “Southeast Asian Language Tests” for more information. 

Contact Irene Gonzaga at [email protected] for questions or accommodations for the Filipino Placement Exam.

French Placement Exam

Available Dates: March 12-Sept. 14

The French Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test. Self-enroll for the French Placement and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right-hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement.

Contact [email protected] for questions. If you require accommodations such as extended time, complete an RLL accommodation form.

German Placement Exam

Available Dates: The Canvas portion of the test is available any time. The subsequent placement interviews can also be scheduled any time.

The German Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test followed by a brief Zoom interview. Self-enroll for the German Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right hand side. After you enroll, go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement test. After completing the test on Canvas, you will be prompted to schedule an interview with the German department (we recommend scheduling the interview when prompted, but have included the link here in case you are unable to do so).

Contact [email protected] for questions or accommodations for the German Placement Exam.

Greek (Ancient and Modern)

Please email Professor Artemis Leontis ([email protected]) if you would like to take a Greek placement test. You may read about Greek placement expectations on their website.

Hebrew Placement Exam

Please email Dr. Adi Raz ([email protected]) to schedule a placement interview. Please try to schedule your interview at least two weeks before your scheduled advising appointment.

You may learn about the many benefits of studying Hebrew on the Hebrew Placement Canvas site.


To begin studying Hindi, you may register for First Year Hindi I (ASIANLAN 115). To schedule a Hindi placement exam and interview, please email [email protected] with the subject: Hindi Placement Exam.

Indonesian Placement Exam

Available Dates: Flexible, by appointment only

The Indonesian Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test and a Zoom interview with the Asian Languages and Cultures department. Self-enroll in the Indonesian Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right-hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement.

Contact Agustini at [email protected] to schedule a placement interview (after you complete the Canvas test), or for any questions or accommodations about the Indonesian Placement Exam.

Italian Placement Exam

Available Dates: March 12-Sept. 14

The Italian Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test. Self-enroll for the Italian Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement.

Contact [email protected] for questions. If you require accommodations such as extended time, complete an RLL accommodation form.

Japanese Placement Exam

Available Dates: Flexible

For Spring/Summer 2024: The Japanese Placement Exam is available now; however, the students should take it at least two weeks before the respective semester starts. If you fail to take the test on time, please contact the course instructor.

Contact Akiko Imamura ([email protected]) to ask any questions or request any accommodations for the exam.

Korean Placement Exam

Available Dates: Dates pending for winter 2025

The Korean Placement Exam includes an online Canvas placement and may be followed by a virtual interview. Students must register. Once they register, they will receive a link to the exam. Visit the Asian Languages and Cultures website for additional information and instructions.

Contact Dr. Soyeon Kim, director of the Korean Language Program ([email protected]) for any questions, concerns and/or accommodations for the Korean Placement Exam.

Latin Placement Exam

Available Dates:  April 21-Sept. 12, 2025

The Latin Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test. Self-enroll in the Latin Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement. Please note that after taking the exam in Canvas, you need to sign up for a meeting with the proctor to finalize your placement score. This meeting is held via Zoom and is a required part of the test.

Contact [email protected] for questions or accommodations for the Latin Placement Exam.


You may enroll in Elementary Nahuatl I (LACS 461) if you would like to study Nahuatl. For more information, visit the Nahuatl Language Program webpage.

Ojibwe and Native American Studies

You may begin studying Ojibwe (Nishnaabemwin) by enrolling in Elementary Ojibwe I (NATIVEAM 222). This is the language spoken by the Nishnaabeg. These courses represent American Culture's long-standing, ongoing, commitment to and continuous improvement of Ojibwe language instruction and preservation.

For more information, see the course offerings on the Native American Studies website.


To begin studying Punjabi, you may register for  First Year Punjabi I (ASIANLAN 145). To schedule a Punjabi placement exam and interview, please email [email protected] with the subject: Punjabi Placement Exam.


Available Date: Dates pending for winter 2025

Students who wish to place into an advanced polish class should plan to do so on Friday, Aug. 23, 2-4 p.m. Further information may be found on the Slavic Languages and Literatures website.


If you are interested in taking a Portuguese placement test, please contact [email protected] to schedule an appointment. For further information visit the Romance Languages & Literatures website.


If you are interested in studying Quechua you may register for Elementary Quechua I (LACS 471). For further information visit the Quecha Language Program webpage.

Russian Placement Exam

Available Dates: Available now. The online placement can be scheduled any time, but the verbal exam must be scheduled in advance.

The Russian Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test, followed by a brief interview. Self-enroll in the Russian Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement. After completing the test on Canvas, please schedule your Russian oral proficiency interview by emailing Nina Shkolnik at [email protected]. Residential College students may email Alina Makin at [email protected] to schedule their oral proficiency interviews. 

Contact [email protected] for questions or accommodations for the Russian Placement Exam.


If you are interested in studying Sanskrit you may register for First Year Sanskirt (ASIANLAN 151). For further information visit the South Asian Language Programs webpage.

Spanish Placement Exam

Available Dates: March 12-Sept. 14

You will automatically have access to the Spanish Placement Exam from your Canvas Dashboard (timed with when you receive the orientation invite email). If you have no prior experience in Spanish, you do not need to take the placement; however, all incoming students will have access to the test if they need to take it.

Contact [email protected] for questions. If you require accommodations such as extended time, complete an RLL accommodation form.


If you are interested in studying Swahili you may register for Elementary Swahili I (AAS 115/515). For further information visit the Swahili webpage.


Please email [email protected] if you are interested in taking a Swedish placement exam.

Thai Placement Exam

Available Dates: Flexible, by appointment only

The Thai Placement Exam is a Canvas placement test, followed by scheduling an interview. Self-enroll in the Thai Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right-hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement exam.

Contact Aimkamon Bunmee ([email protected]) to schedule an interview. You can also contact Aimkamon with any questions or accommodations for the Thai Placement Exam.


If you are interested in studying Tibetian you may register for First Year Tibetan I (ASIANLAN 165). For further information visit South Asian Language Programs webpage.


If you are interested in studying Turkish, you may enroll in Elementary Turkish I (TURKISH 101). If you would like to place into a course beyond the first semester, contact to Nilay Sevinc ([email protected]). Please review the Middle East Studies website for more information.


Students of any level of Ukrainian language are invited to register to take a Ukrainian placement test. This is a written test and any additional oral tests will be scheduled after completion of the written test. For further information, submit a test registration form.


To begin studying Urdu, you may register for First Year Urdu I (ASIANLAN 171). To schedule a Urdu placement exam and interview, please email [email protected] with the subject: Urdu Placement Exam. 

Vietnamese Placement Exam

Available Dates: Flexible, by appointment only

The Vietnamese Placement Exam is a Canvas-based placement test that will assess students' language proficiency with written and oral tests. Self-enroll in the Vietnamese Placement Exam and click on “Enroll in this course” on the right-hand side. After you enroll, you can go to the course and begin reading the instructions for the placement. The detailed dates for every semester will be updated on the Vietnamese department site and on the Canvas site.

Contact Thuy-Anh Nguyen ([email protected]) for questions or accommodations.


If you are interested in taking Yiddish and have no previous experience, you are welcome to register for a 100 level course. If you would like to be placed into a higher level course, please email the Student Services Coordinator at [email protected]. For further information visit the Yiddish webpage.


If you are interested in studying Yoruba you may register for Elementary Yoruba I (AAS 125). For further information visit the Yoruba Language Program webpage.

Additional Languages

If you are interested in a language not listed above, please find more information about the languages offered at U-M, and visit their website for contact information.